Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"that ol thing finally crashed"

Out with the old and in with the new...
The side by side refridgerator that we bought second hand and that i hated all along but certainly did do the trick finally crashed and burned. Now how is that it happens when you have just done 300.00 dollars worth of grocery shopping and it doesnt give you a three day warning to clear it all out. nope. we wake up and the freezer is not freezing. The fridge is cool but not so cold. YIKES!!!
We have food all oveer town in peoples freezers and in ice chests in the kitchen What a mess. The new fridge cant be delivered until the next after noon,late..... ARGHHHHHHa
finally.......the new one bells no whistles and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo side by side. lol YAHOOOOOO..........

Most everything was saved we think...tomorrow we will go and round up and the freezer srtuff from our friends freezers and tonight the fridge items are back in the fridge....lets hope this takes care of things for a LONGGGGGGGGGGGG time.

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