Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ringling Brothers nbarnum and bailey Setp 10 2011

Stan had a track meet all day today as he does all this month so the kids and a friend of mine from work got tickets to go see the Ringling brothers circus. It was in oakland and it is now only a two ring circus,oppsed to the three rings that we all grw up with. This was NOTTTTTTTTTTTTT a problem that there were only two rings. SOooooooooooooo much to watch and see. The kids sat mezmorized with their 12.00 cotton candy with hat attached. lol lol.

The acts were grewat fun and the length perfect. We had a great day. This was the first attempt at the big circus,the kids ahd been to small fun small local circus and really did well but this was a biggee. And what a perfect age to take them. They sat,thee loved it.

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