Saturday, September 3, 2011

Finally that too the fell out Sept 3 2011

FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!! laurels tooth had been holding on by one thread for the longest time,it was driving us all crazy,twisting andturning but not coming out. GRRRR.
This morning at breakfast,finally with a bowl of sugar illed kids cereal....Out it came. no blood,no pain just out it came. WE all feel better now.

laurel is off to her first sleep over bday party this eve with all her gymnastics friends,she is not sure she wants to sleep over but has been there for the party. We are hoping that she will jut go with the flow,stay and have a great time but the understanding is that IF she cant manage, i will get a call. Now this isnt a real issue except for tonight since dad has to work and zak and I are here alone. It will truly suck to hve to get us both out of bed at God knows what time to go get her. LOL. ahhhhhhhhhhhh what we do for our children. Will report back as to how dhe does later on. Now the "Toothfairy"is due to come tonight but will see if she remembers since she is at the party.

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