Friday, September 23, 2011

New tubes for Zakary Sept 23 2011

Just a quick note to tell you that after a fairly poor hearing test for Zak,he had new tubes put in both his earas this morning. the others had fallen out in 9 short months and were sitting in his ear canal and not in the drums where they need to be. Sooooo in his case,the air does not flow correctly and his hearing isnt good. He did beautifully and is home and feeing fine. If i can figure out how to get the pics from my new cell phone to this computer i will post some of him at the hospital this am.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"that ol thing finally crashed"

Out with the old and in with the new...
The side by side refridgerator that we bought second hand and that i hated all along but certainly did do the trick finally crashed and burned. Now how is that it happens when you have just done 300.00 dollars worth of grocery shopping and it doesnt give you a three day warning to clear it all out. nope. we wake up and the freezer is not freezing. The fridge is cool but not so cold. YIKES!!!
We have food all oveer town in peoples freezers and in ice chests in the kitchen What a mess. The new fridge cant be delivered until the next after noon,late..... ARGHHHHHHa
finally.......the new one bells no whistles and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo side by side. lol YAHOOOOOO..........

Most everything was saved we think...tomorrow we will go and round up and the freezer srtuff from our friends freezers and tonight the fridge items are back in the fridge....lets hope this takes care of things for a LONGGGGGGGGGGGG time.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Across The World annual picnic Sept 19 2011

Each year since laurel came home from China we have attended the adoption agency picnic. WE love to see all the families and any new children who have cxome home that year. The kids are big enough now to know whats going on and to look forward to it as well. laurel really has gotton the hanng of it as each year we make ourselves a name tag so as to be able to meet the others. This year laurel did it herself. I thought it was very cute and really quite touching.

Fevers for two Sept 16-19 2011

Both kids have had fevers and sore throats. They were feeling better and decided to make a scarey halloween show in the bathroom with some toy spiders and ratw that Zak had bought himself at the dollar store. LOL the kids locked them selves in the bathroom and rigged the show to surprise me. I opened the door and they were pulling the toy animals up and down on string over the towel rack. It was hysterical.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Autumn Moon Sept 12 2011

It is Autumn Moon Festival where,in China,all families are to be together. it is a actual holiday in China and schools are closed and business people stay home. Moon cakes are a delicious treat for Autumn Moon festival and we enjoyed our Autumn Moon this eve from our front porch. The weather is warm out and even a tad bit muggy.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ringling Brothers nbarnum and bailey Setp 10 2011

Stan had a track meet all day today as he does all this month so the kids and a friend of mine from work got tickets to go see the Ringling brothers circus. It was in oakland and it is now only a two ring circus,oppsed to the three rings that we all grw up with. This was NOTTTTTTTTTTTTT a problem that there were only two rings. SOooooooooooooo much to watch and see. The kids sat mezmorized with their 12.00 cotton candy with hat attached. lol lol.

The acts were grewat fun and the length perfect. We had a great day. This was the first attempt at the big circus,the kids ahd been to small fun small local circus and really did well but this was a biggee. And what a perfect age to take them. They sat,thee loved it.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

First attempt at a real sleep over Sept 2011

The night that laurel had lost her tooth she had been invited to her first real sleep oveer,not just at sister or brothers house but with her friends from the gym for a birthday party. She was not sure she wanted to go,at least not spend the night. I had told her that was fine,go for the party and i will pick you at at bedtime,as others were not staying the noight either. Off she went and i checkined in now and again with the very brave mom doing this party all by herself. All seemed fine. COme near to bedtime,or what should have been bed time i called and the monm said she seems fine,she doesnt know for sure still if she wants to stay so i will call you if she needs you. PErfect,Stan at work so Zak and i went to bed.  At midnight,the call came.....she was ready to come home. lol lol
so Zak and i got up and out and into the car to this family home in a gated community out oin nowhere so of course i got lost......long story short,finally about 1am we get to her. All the other kids who are still there are running around and come to the door to say good by to Laurel. LOL LOL poor mom....she can harldey keep her eyes open. We went home and i had a very tired and crabby kid for hours to come. Next day she fell asleep but when i had to wake her to go to a 4pm appreciation dinner,she wouldnt hear of it. more tired and crabby. i have attached pics here. one of her napping mid afternoon with her gymnaswtics trophy under her arm and one of what we call "hang over asian Barbie" when trying to get her dressed and going to this dinner. ENJOY...the other kids at the party all settled down finally at 3am.....Laurel was NOT the only tired and crabby kids the next day>>>>>
ohhhh noooo i cant find the one of hang over Barnbie...i guess i posted it to face book andf not to here.sorry about that. go check out face book and see if you can find it.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Christophers 32nd bday,a little late and a surprise

Big brother Chris turned 32yrs old last month,August 18. His wife Destiny had had some surgery and had planned a surprise party for him but come time,she was not feeling up to it quite yet so we postponed till today. SOOOOOOOOOOOOo it was for sure indeed a surprise party. Several of his high school frineds from way back when and their families were invited,Katy and her kids and i and Zak(laurel ws at a bday party and Stan at work) drive down and were there when he arrived back from Golf with Destiny's cousin Matt. He was truly surprised and we had a great time.

Finally that too the fell out Sept 3 2011

FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!! laurels tooth had been holding on by one thread for the longest time,it was driving us all crazy,twisting andturning but not coming out. GRRRR.
This morning at breakfast,finally with a bowl of sugar illed kids cereal....Out it came. no blood,no pain just out it came. WE all feel better now.

laurel is off to her first sleep over bday party this eve with all her gymnastics friends,she is not sure she wants to sleep over but has been there for the party. We are hoping that she will jut go with the flow,stay and have a great time but the understanding is that IF she cant manage, i will get a call. Now this isnt a real issue except for tonight since dad has to work and zak and I are here alone. It will truly suck to hve to get us both out of bed at God knows what time to go get her. LOL. ahhhhhhhhhhhh what we do for our children. Will report back as to how dhe does later on. Now the "Toothfairy"is due to come tonight but will see if she remembers since she is at the party.