Wednesday, August 3, 2011

visit to Lila Ann in salem oregon July 2011

After Stan and laurel were done in Idaho at gymnastics camp,Zak and i drove to Oregon to meet them and to visit for a few days with our dear friends and Zak's foster sister from China in Salem Oregon.

Zak and i drove,he was an amazing traveller. it was a long drive but we did it in record time and Stan and laurel arrived that erve by plane(again another hassle). We had a great time visiting. The kids played soooooooooooo well and we celebrated LilaAnn's 7th bithday a few days early and we got to meet all her family. Grandparents and aunts and uncles. It was so much fun and so special to be able to be a part of. The 4 of us drove home Sunday and again,travelled very well and made it home by dinner time.

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