Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 2011

Just a quick note. Stan had gone in for a pretty routine prostate biopsy yesterday,the great news is that it looks to be just fine so far,nothing to feel or see that looked terribly concerning BUT he damn near died from the bleeding. I got a calkl at work telling me that the bleeding couldnt be stopped and that they would take him by ambulance to the hospital. He has been there since yesterday and haas alotta blood work and a transfusion. they were looking at the possiblity that they may have to operate to stitch the spot that ewouldnt stop bleeding. i have not heard from him yet this am but if all stays the way it was late last night,there will be no surgery and he can hopefully come home today. i will of course keep you all posted and will NOTTTTTTTTTTTTT post pictures. just rest assured when i say there was ALOT of blood.

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