Saturday, August 13, 2011

Swim Lessons August 2011

The summer is quickly coming to a close. the kids start 1st and 2nd grade next week,August 17. where did the time go and who the heck starts school in August? well we do and have for the past couple years. It just aint right.

The kids finished their summer swim lessons and though i was not at all happy with them, i mean ring around the rosety and head bobbing? really? this is the third year the same stuff. I do believe that if you dont give the kids a challenge,another push,they will not learn. Am i crazy?? lol lol ohh well,they had fun and i will be SURE next time that they are in the right group and challenged a bit. After all,i want them to be abloe to SWIM not play ring a round the rosey while they are drowning in a lake.

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