Sunday, August 28, 2011

Weekend with Uncle Bruce anfd Aunt Ju Ju Aug 2011

We spent a short but nice weekend with Unlce Bruce and Aunt Julie in Coring calif. It was Olive Festival weekend anf VERY VERY hot. We spent time in the pool,trying to stay cool and visiting. The Olive Festival was good SMALL TOWN fun....

Friday, August 26, 2011

Tae Kwo Do belt Testing

August 26 2011

This eve Zak tested for another belt advancement in his Tae Kwon Do. He did beautifully,as usual and proudly earned his purple gerrn belt and a new uniform. He has been wearing blue the past year or so,he will now be wearing Red. Congrats to Zak....We are very proud.

Zhu Zhu us now an IT. rather than a HE

Zhu Zhu had some surgery yesterday...Janeen i knew youd esp want to hear that he was doing fine. He is still a bit groggy,even this am and is just now wanting soome food but he seems to be doing fine. Before and after pictures
Since Zhi Zhu is mofficially laurels pet she is being a big helper in his post op care. He was very glad to see her last eve when Stan picked him up after his surgery,groppgy,quite but tail a wagging.

zakarys favortie first grade lunch pail meal August 2011

Lunch box meals are horrible. Admit it??we have all had our share and they are really misreable so i have been TRYING to switch them up some. Zakary has a favorite///

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Gymnastics testing results 2011

We just wanted to let everyone know that laurel,aged 6(not yet old enough by law to compete in gymnastics) but skilled enough to be on the gym team that she is on tested several times the past few months,including in Idaho where she attended gymnastics camp in July and scored only 4 pts below what she needed to have been one of about 150 kids nation wide on the national gymnastics team. She isnt legally old enough to be on this team til age 7,so this year has been team participation and practice for the most part for her but to have come sooooooooooooo very close and be the baby of the team really means alot. We pay alot of this credit to HER  of course as well as her awesome  coaching here in Vallejo at NBAA.


"ok, i guess its time to let them go" (says Zak)

Well loved,and very well worn. Finally,Zak has come to terms with the fact that these shoes need to go to tennis shoe heaven.

FIRST DAY Of SCHOOL 1st and 2nd grade VCS

Today is the first day of school here in Vallejo. Starting with fresh fruit smoothie for breakfast and new lunch pails and back packs. Mario brothers for Zakary and Hello Kitty for laurel. Laurel had been a little intimidated this summer and was sure she was too small for second grade. Zak was afraid he weasnt ready cuz he didnt know his times tables. HUH?? 1st grade? times tables? but this am they both were ready and willing. I was off to take them and they were all set to go when the clock hit 8:30 am today. They loved seeing their friends,most they had seen many times over the summer,some not at all. Always fun.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Swim Lessons August 2011

The summer is quickly coming to a close. the kids start 1st and 2nd grade next week,August 17. where did the time go and who the heck starts school in August? well we do and have for the past couple years. It just aint right.

The kids finished their summer swim lessons and though i was not at all happy with them, i mean ring around the rosety and head bobbing? really? this is the third year the same stuff. I do believe that if you dont give the kids a challenge,another push,they will not learn. Am i crazy?? lol lol ohh well,they had fun and i will be SURE next time that they are in the right group and challenged a bit. After all,i want them to be abloe to SWIM not play ring a round the rosey while they are drowning in a lake.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

August 7th 2011/ Doctors call and great news!

After several days of Stan not feeling so well,massive headache and fierce exhaustion i think he is finally starting to feel better.(sure hope so,i go back to work tomorrow). But the good news is that the doc called yesterday,Saturday afternoon and said the biopsy was perfectly NORMAL. No cancer,no nothing. Blood draws onve a year like all the other guys and good to go. Soooooooooooo this is the great news. Have a great weekend to you all,what there is left to it.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 2011

Just a quick note. Stan had gone in for a pretty routine prostate biopsy yesterday,the great news is that it looks to be just fine so far,nothing to feel or see that looked terribly concerning BUT he damn near died from the bleeding. I got a calkl at work telling me that the bleeding couldnt be stopped and that they would take him by ambulance to the hospital. He has been there since yesterday and haas alotta blood work and a transfusion. they were looking at the possiblity that they may have to operate to stitch the spot that ewouldnt stop bleeding. i have not heard from him yet this am but if all stays the way it was late last night,there will be no surgery and he can hopefully come home today. i will of course keep you all posted and will NOTTTTTTTTTTTTT post pictures. just rest assured when i say there was ALOT of blood.

visit to Lila Ann in salem oregon July 2011

After Stan and laurel were done in Idaho at gymnastics camp,Zak and i drove to Oregon to meet them and to visit for a few days with our dear friends and Zak's foster sister from China in Salem Oregon.

Zak and i drove,he was an amazing traveller. it was a long drive but we did it in record time and Stan and laurel arrived that erve by plane(again another hassle). We had a great time visiting. The kids played soooooooooooo well and we celebrated LilaAnn's 7th bithday a few days early and we got to meet all her family. Grandparents and aunts and uncles. It was so much fun and so special to be able to be a part of. The 4 of us drove home Sunday and again,travelled very well and made it home by dinner time.

Gymnastics camp 2011 July

July 2011
Laurel and Stan went to Gymnastics camp in Idaho and had a wonderful and fun time. Laurel learned alot and made some amazing improvment. There were coaches and kids from all over the country and they had a blaast. None of the pictures that they took at camp turned out too well but i will ppost a few anyway.

Stans cousin, Julee Jackson for WA state drove over and spent a couple days with them. That was fun for them all and gave Stan someone to hang out with a couple days.