Friday, November 29, 2013

lets back track..Laurels 9th birthday, halloween and Laurels state gym competition Oct 2013

Things go so fast around here that it seems I forgot a few major events to cover. I will do that now. Laurel turned 9 on October 7 2013,we finally had a belated birthday party at Silveyville pumpkin patch with all her gym team and a couple friends from school. They played games, decorated pumpkins and had a picnic lunch. It was a lot of fun and a beautiful sunny blue day. I cant believe that she is 9 already!! Halloween has come and gone yet again, the usual party at school with way too much junk food and a fun parade. laurel was a gymnast at school, and a zombie doctor for the evening trick or treating. Zak was a "rich guy" most of us thought he resembled a pimp,but either way, he got the look he wanted and had a lot of fun. Laurels competitive gym season this year was not so great BUT..she did make it to the California state championship meet, this is the goal she had for her year, so she did make that. It was tough, she did fine, she did well. She was up against tough competition. We were proud of her for sure.

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