Friday, November 29, 2013

Here we are agan! itsw almost the holidays!

Zakarys orthodontics is coming along,its slow and painful. We are having a really hard time getting his teeth clean with all the metal but we take turns scrubbing,we are determined. The house is about 8/10's done! what a fiasco??? ohhh yes!!! Zaks rs done,our room is done for the most part,we are actually sleeping in it temporarily while they now work on Laurels room. We are in DUST and DIRT and we are sick of it. We are amazed at the amount of work entailed and just how hard it is to get good help. Once laurels room is done,then the carpets go in and then we are about done. Then I suppose all the little odds and ends that either got over looked or wernt done right the first,second third or however many times it wasn't done right to get it all corrected. I am loving my new bathroom and soaking tub. I climb in and turn on the bubbles and let um go. We had Thanksgiving yesterday with Chris and Destiny at their house. We all took a piece of the meal and it was awesome. Katy and the grandkids were there as well as Destinys mom,Teresa. Joe had to work so we sent home left overs for him. The Raiders and the Cowboys played football,Chris and Destiny season ticket holders and avid Raiders fans made a Raiders theme Thanksgiving so we all went sporting our Raiders gear. The Raiders lost the game,but played well and it sure made for a fun day! Enjoy the pics...and I will post more along the way.

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