Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 2013

We are already a good ways into May......and here i am,finally. I forget how darn busy May is between birthdays,kids school and gym activities. Somewhere in between there is work and laundry too. lol
Mothers day came,i got wonderful flowers delivered to me at work from Katy,cards from the kids and a wonderful picture frame with a picture of Zak in it from Zakary,made at school. I had lunch out that day with Chris and Destiny so my day was "ALL THAT". Then a new license plate frame(for my new car) from the kids, reading Laurel and Zakary's mom!!

May also brought my birthday,we took the kids out of school that day and went into SF to see the Terracotta Warrior exhibit at the Asian Art Museum,it was very nice and then had Pizza dinner with my mom who turned 89 two days before i had my birthday. It was a very nice day!

This coming week there is AWANA awards for the kids,and the kids "Celebration of the Art"s,their yearly dance production and then Laurels "Spring fling" the last of the month for her gymnastics! IS it all over yet?? lol  i will post pics of those events as we get to them.

The weather is getting warmer and school is coming closer to the end. Zak's hero project is on "Leonardo De Vinci" YES!!!! he picked that himself. He is doing nearly all of it on his own,he requires very little help on these types of things. I will post pics of that as well,when he dresses up at Leonardo and foes his presentation.

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