Sunday, May 19, 2013

APRIL 2013//// the house addition is beginning

I slipped right by April and the beginning of the house addition. We are right this minute in a holding pattern waiting yet for more permits to come through but things have started,slowly but surely. Im a little frsutrated right now since there is pieces of the back fence missing and no back stairs off the back laundry room,i cant put the dogs out in the back yard as they are used to so we are having to take them out several times a day to walk them,i dont mind walking them,i just dont have tons of time at 5:15am on work days between shower,getting lunches made for us all and getting out the door by 7am for an hour drive to work. Will be very glad when either stuff starts going again,and i am seeing some progress OR a fence goes up. GRRRRR.
There was alot of dirt that had to be removed and rearranged,and the foundation outline is done. We will keep pics coming of the progress as the permits continue and there is progress. lol Is it over yet???

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