Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas 2013

Here we are again at the end of another year! it is New years eve as I type. We had an awesome Christmas...Everyone was well and happy. All got what they had asked Santa to bring. Chris wife Destiny was not able to be with us, she had been sick for a week with fever and so on se she stayed at home, we missed her but she certainly didn't feel like travelling and we didn't want what she had. We had a real treat this year.....First grandchild,Sierra,who just turned 17 was able for the first time ever to spend Christmas with us and we sure loved it! She is such a beautiful young lady and we have missed having her all her life and now she was able to be with us and I was even able to get her to stand tall at the measuring door, she is one tall girl. We did our annual Christmas eve dinner at China Wok where we love the family who owns it and the food is delicious. We looked at lights and went home to bed. Christmas morning we all got up and everyone trickled in for presents and coffee cake. Everyone then as they needed to went on their ways and the rest of the day was spent quietly around the house,relaxing,kids playing with new toys and continuing to put things away in the new addition. Grandma Priscilla came over to visit and stayed for a couple hours, she loved to see all the kids together and of course to see was Sierra was a super treat. Enjoy the pictures and Happy New year to you all. I will try (as I say each year to do better with keeping up with pics and blog in the coming year)

Friday, November 29, 2013

lets back track..Laurels 9th birthday, halloween and Laurels state gym competition Oct 2013

Things go so fast around here that it seems I forgot a few major events to cover. I will do that now. Laurel turned 9 on October 7 2013,we finally had a belated birthday party at Silveyville pumpkin patch with all her gym team and a couple friends from school. They played games, decorated pumpkins and had a picnic lunch. It was a lot of fun and a beautiful sunny blue day. I cant believe that she is 9 already!! Halloween has come and gone yet again, the usual party at school with way too much junk food and a fun parade. laurel was a gymnast at school, and a zombie doctor for the evening trick or treating. Zak was a "rich guy" most of us thought he resembled a pimp,but either way, he got the look he wanted and had a lot of fun. Laurels competitive gym season this year was not so great BUT..she did make it to the California state championship meet, this is the goal she had for her year, so she did make that. It was tough, she did fine, she did well. She was up against tough competition. We were proud of her for sure.

Here we are agan! itsw almost the holidays!

Zakarys orthodontics is coming along,its slow and painful. We are having a really hard time getting his teeth clean with all the metal but we take turns scrubbing,we are determined. The house is about 8/10's done! what a fiasco??? ohhh yes!!! Zaks rs done,our room is done for the most part,we are actually sleeping in it temporarily while they now work on Laurels room. We are in DUST and DIRT and we are sick of it. We are amazed at the amount of work entailed and just how hard it is to get good help. Once laurels room is done,then the carpets go in and then we are about done. Then I suppose all the little odds and ends that either got over looked or wernt done right the first,second third or however many times it wasn't done right to get it all corrected. I am loving my new bathroom and soaking tub. I climb in and turn on the bubbles and let um go. We had Thanksgiving yesterday with Chris and Destiny at their house. We all took a piece of the meal and it was awesome. Katy and the grandkids were there as well as Destinys mom,Teresa. Joe had to work so we sent home left overs for him. The Raiders and the Cowboys played football,Chris and Destiny season ticket holders and avid Raiders fans made a Raiders theme Thanksgiving so we all went sporting our Raiders gear. The Raiders lost the game,but played well and it sure made for a fun day! Enjoy the pics...and I will post more along the way.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Zakary starts Orthodontics

October 2013 Zakary has started his LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG road ahead of him in the orthodontists chair. His first apt was 3 hrs long,they did let him get up and move about a bit but he sat and had brackets glued and then wired for sound. His mouth is FULLLLLL of metal. He is having a hard time talking and eating and everything else that goes along orthodontics but he is going to do well,he will adjust and have a more beautiful smile when he is done than he does now! The technology is amazing now,we are hoping that thru orthodontics now,a new procedure that will not be fun or easy but will likely replace a major jaw surgery when he is 16 or so years old. This new technique has come around and has been used just since we adopted him. Needless to say...We are thrilled. The first apt was Wednesday morning, and by Tuesday eve, he already had a bracket come uncemented so he was back there this am for a recement. Hope this is all for a bit. I have to keep remembering that he is a boy.....and this stuff happens.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

September 2013

I am very sorry for falling so far behind on my blogging, the addition and all the news at our house. I have some time now to catch up since a week ago today, I fell off a stair trying to go to work and tore ligaments and chipped bones in BOTH ankles and I am off my feet now for a while. No where to go and nothing to do. Kids are doing well, Laurel is just starting her second competitive season in gymnastics and is looking forward to it again. Zakary is preparing for his first Taekwondo competition next month, both these kids have competitive streaks. Laurel we were most surprised by. School is going well for both kids and work for Stan and I is fine, work is work. The house is moving along, we have had our little glitches, little burps and such along the way but the last week that I have not been out of the house there has been a lot done, just on the outside, the Stucco is going up. The actual addition is all enclosed and the windows are in. It truly looks like a house now. This week I think they are supposed to be breaking thru and making the hallway, a bad time for me to be injured since there is a lot of odds and ends that need to be moved outta the way and into temp places for the knock thru. Stan just went out and got several new pics for me to post here, sorry we missed some of the in between, we have just really been running to keep up. Enjoy the pics.I sure am wishing today that we had the back deck off the new master bedroom done, so that I could sit out there. I cant really get outdoors and sit anywhere now as it all is now since im all booted up and rocking two crutches.