Sunday, May 27, 2012

Still May and the world is still moving awfully fast! 2012

It seems there wer field trips going on last post...well ther are still field trips going on. Zaks class had 3 field trips out ofthe 4 weeks in May. Laurel has a major hero project and then there is the open house for the school and the enxt week the Celebration of the arts whre the kids school all did dance related to their years expeditional learning, Zak's was family traditions and culture,laurel the civil rights movement. Hero's. laurels project is on martin Luther King,its been quite the project for a 2nd grader(and i refuse to do it all). She will do a presentation and dress as MLK next week,will post pics after that is done.Ahead still,one more field trip, a gymnastics spring program and all the fun end of the year class/school activities including self led student/parent conferences!
I dont know how i forgot to mention but we also celebrated Zakary's "special Day" his 5th annversary of being a Raymond. May 25 was adoption day,5 short years ago....on a greay and rainy hot and humid day in China......Zakary joined our crazy family...........The pics of Zak sitting on dads lap and one on my lap....we do that each year,to see the growth since that day 5 yrs ago where we have pics of that same pose. WOW>>>>he has come a long ways!!!
Also,just this morning we took a drive out to brentwood,early in the am,before the crownds and the heat to Cherry pick. WE also were able to pick some berries,white peaches and apricots!!! YUMMMMM

Over my birthday,we took the motor home to my older Brother,Bruce's home,his wife,aunt julie has a bday the same weekend as mine so we had quite the time and learned how to use th motor home all at the same time. The kids thought that rideing in the back while driving and eating at the table was truly awesome. I will post some pics of the last several weeks...and then will try ot keep them going as the school yer comes to an end! We have all been healthy and hope this finds you and your families happy buy and healthy as well.

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