Sunday, May 6, 2012

all behind again May 2012

May 2012

I am all behind again. So much goes on aqnd it all goes sooooooooooooooooo fast. last i reported we were back east in Feb,since then, Stan had a seriouis Prostititus and was home a week with a Foley catheter,that was fun!! Now he is waiting for the large Kidney stone to pass or be broken up to pass,which ever one comes first,yes...more fun. Seems the school year is coming to an end very quickly and all sorts of things are happeningfiled trips,activities at the gym and so on. Discovey Kingdon is open  now ad the kids and i took our first trip together today. We are going to take our new,well old but new to us Campr on a wekend jaunt to my brother bruces house for my birthday weekend,the 17th,mine is the 1th and his wife julie is the 19th,yes................. she is younger tham i m,by about 48 hrs. i will just post a bunch of pictures now to try to get somewhat caught up and try to do better from here on out. I will be sure to post from moms day and Zakarys 5th anniversary of being a  RAYMOND  coming up May 21. And I am sure that the weekend in the camper will prove to b interesting and alot of fun!!

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