Thursday, May 31, 2012

end of year school conferences and field trips. Hero project May 2012

So we are in the last full week of school. Yesterday was ak's last field trip of the 1st grade. They went to the Bouvrie Wdlife preserve. I have no idea where it is located,You will have to ask Stan. He drov on this trip,he lovs the class filed trips and for the most part all gos well each time,this time,just one little one in his car got car sick. Yes...all over the back door. Fortunatly mostly water as she had only hd Chocolate milk for breakfast(HUH?) and her mom had told her she needed something in her tummy to keep from feeling bad,so why not saltines?a piece of toast for breakfast?? just sayin. So poor kid,after all,she is 1st grade and shouldnt be expected to know for sure how to handle her tummy in a car. So she kept drinking water.....more and more till......yaaaa whooooooo ws everywhere.oh well,only water,poor kid though was imbarressed and felt like hell.
The trip its self was great,the class saw all sorts of wildlife,Zak was so honoredmhe saw a newt,no one else did. He saw real snakes....ate lunch by the creek and romped through poison oak. The weather was perfect and they had a great time.
This mornig was Laurels 2nd grade "Hero" project,she had choosen Martin Luther King and did just a graet job. They did a board,a biography and then had to dress as that person and present as if they were the hero. She did perfectly. She has a shy little voice,she is only shy outside the house but i guess she spoke loudly and clearly so all could hear. Her teacher was very happy with her work.

At he Charter school where the kids attend,we have what are called "Student led conferences" the student along wth their teacher report on themselves and their work. They explain and show the parents how they have done and some of their work. Both kids have haad a great year and have done very well. Laurel is a super reader and Zakary the mathamatician. Cant believe that 1st and 2nd grade are over next week.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Still May and the world is still moving awfully fast! 2012

It seems there wer field trips going on last post...well ther are still field trips going on. Zaks class had 3 field trips out ofthe 4 weeks in May. Laurel has a major hero project and then there is the open house for the school and the enxt week the Celebration of the arts whre the kids school all did dance related to their years expeditional learning, Zak's was family traditions and culture,laurel the civil rights movement. Hero's. laurels project is on martin Luther King,its been quite the project for a 2nd grader(and i refuse to do it all). She will do a presentation and dress as MLK next week,will post pics after that is done.Ahead still,one more field trip, a gymnastics spring program and all the fun end of the year class/school activities including self led student/parent conferences!
I dont know how i forgot to mention but we also celebrated Zakary's "special Day" his 5th annversary of being a Raymond. May 25 was adoption day,5 short years ago....on a greay and rainy hot and humid day in China......Zakary joined our crazy family...........The pics of Zak sitting on dads lap and one on my lap....we do that each year,to see the growth since that day 5 yrs ago where we have pics of that same pose. WOW>>>>he has come a long ways!!!
Also,just this morning we took a drive out to brentwood,early in the am,before the crownds and the heat to Cherry pick. WE also were able to pick some berries,white peaches and apricots!!! YUMMMMM

Over my birthday,we took the motor home to my older Brother,Bruce's home,his wife,aunt julie has a bday the same weekend as mine so we had quite the time and learned how to use th motor home all at the same time. The kids thought that rideing in the back while driving and eating at the table was truly awesome. I will post some pics of the last several weeks...and then will try ot keep them going as the school yer comes to an end! We have all been healthy and hope this finds you and your families happy buy and healthy as well.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

all behind again May 2012

May 2012

I am all behind again. So much goes on aqnd it all goes sooooooooooooooooo fast. last i reported we were back east in Feb,since then, Stan had a seriouis Prostititus and was home a week with a Foley catheter,that was fun!! Now he is waiting for the large Kidney stone to pass or be broken up to pass,which ever one comes first,yes...more fun. Seems the school year is coming to an end very quickly and all sorts of things are happeningfiled trips,activities at the gym and so on. Discovey Kingdon is open  now ad the kids and i took our first trip together today. We are going to take our new,well old but new to us Campr on a wekend jaunt to my brother bruces house for my birthday weekend,the 17th,mine is the 1th and his wife julie is the 19th,yes................. she is younger tham i m,by about 48 hrs. i will just post a bunch of pictures now to try to get somewhat caught up and try to do better from here on out. I will be sure to post from moms day and Zakarys 5th anniversary of being a  RAYMOND  coming up May 21. And I am sure that the weekend in the camper will prove to b interesting and alot of fun!!