Saturday, February 4, 2012

Zakarys 7th birthday party

So i told you all that we were not so sure that Zak was gonna be real thrilled about his birthday party. Well......... when he showed up with his blind fold on,and came into the gym where we were waiting,took his blindfold off and looked around,seeing who all was there. He looked a bit shocked and disapointed,he must hve been thinking "ohh not a gym party" he sp ends a tremendous amount of time at the gym with Laurel. Then the male parkour coaches showed him his t shirts and got them all started......He loveed it,had a ball,rolled and tumbled,climbed and learn to fall. It was quite a work out. They then also had some free gym time to play as well,swinging ropes,trampoline etc. Cake and Pizza...all in all a very fun day.

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