Friday, February 3, 2012

ZAKARY IS 7....Feb 3 2012

Today Zakary turns 7 yrs old! where does the time go and how did he get to be 7 so fast???
Wasnt he just that scrawny,weak little barely 2 yr old that we travelled across the world to get?
Now.....He is big,taller than Laurel, bold and almost as strong as our big dog Buddy. he can actually play the tug a war game with Buddy and hold his own pretty well.
Today is school but i took the day off to take them to school and will take cookies to his class at the end of the day. Tomorrow he waill have his birthday party,he has always wanted a surprise party although he wants to plan it. LOL so he did but doesnt know for sure what is on the agenda for the party or where the party will be held. LOL he wants to have cake with some of his favorite figurines on it,pizza and drink,a certain list of frineds to come and then we are to blindfold him,take him there so that all his friends will surprise him there. LOL soooo tomorrow....after the party happens,i will post pictures and tell you all where we went and what we did for the party. ssshhhhh after all,its a surprise you know.

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