Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July 27 2011

What a lucky family we are:
Today was our annual visit to the oakland kaiser Cranio Facial clinic where EVERYBODY looks at Zak and goes over his progress,needs,etc etc. Zak is doing sooooooooooo well,he will need orthodontics(as we have known all along) but not yet for a couple to three years prob. His speech is very good except for some "nasal turbulance" thaat may or may not be something that can be fixed or improved,it may just be the way he is built(his deformity may be causing it and thats not repairable) its not a big deal and its not all the time so we will work on it for 6-7 weeks and if it doesnt much improve,we will know its the way he is and move on. It doesnt keep him from doing anything,juwt now and again there is a little  nasally sound with certain sentences. Other than that,we were in and out with a clean bill of health and progress and we couldnt be happier.

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