Saturday, July 23, 2011

July 23 2011 pm

Well after many hours of travel,and finally having no choice but to actually purchase a one way ticket for them both(no thanks to the airlines,who were just total A.Holes the entire day). Stan and laurel have landed in Idaho and though laurel missed the official testing this eve,starting at 6 pm,they didn't arrive till about 8 pm,she will be allowed to test during camp so she is fine. She is hungry and tired,Stan exhausted and FRUSTRATED to say the least. Dad decided to treat himself to a Mustang for his rental car while they are there. Testing has just ended for the evening and they will be heading to dinner of Pizza and then to the hotel pool to swim before bed. camp starts at noon tomorrow so she will get the chance to sleep in a bit in the am and not miss anything more. i will keep you posted as they progress. Stan said laurel was an incredible traveling trooper.
So Zak and I are settling in for the eve,he is watching Harry Potter and eating some Pot Stickers and we will be headed to bed here before too long. We have plans to cuddle up close tonight and watch TV before bed.  He is looking forward to his week with mom,although he does have to spend two days in day care while i work. Will update more as we progress thru the week here.

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