Saturday, August 3, 2013

July 2013/ Gym camp/Idaho

Laurel and Mom took off for Idaho for a week at gymnastics camp. WE had a great time and all went well.
Nastia Lukin came and spent two days at camp with the kids,worked with laurel on her beam and even went to the lake with us one eve. It was quite the experience for her for sure. After we left gym camp we flew to Oregon as we have done the last couple years. Zak and Stan had driven. We stayed with our wonderful family/friends the Bray family in Salem. They are the family who adopted the little girl that Zak lived with in the foster home in China. We all had a great time with them and then we all drove home together home to California.
We are now home and back to some summer routine. 
We stopped on our way back to California in Cottage Grove Oregon to see a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG time friend and her wonderful family(all formed thru adoption). We only had a little while but it was so nice to see them all.

I just noticed that I will have to post more pictures of gym camp later. I have the Nastia pictures elsewhere and will have to get ahold of them. Don't worry though,i will do that ASAP,

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