Sunday, September 2, 2012

Laurels first gymnastics meet August 2012

So Laurel has now grown old enough to  legally compete in gymnastics(since we are in the US,and no longer in China,lol). Laurel had her first unofficial,what we called a "friendship meet". This coming weekend will the real thing and 2-3 weekends per month through November will now be eaten up by gymnastics competitions,all over California,and even in Reno,NV.
The Friendship meet was really a great chance for the kids,especially the newbies to get a real feel of cometition,with a less stressful atmosphere. The girsl were still all expected to dress,hair and all just as a true meet,family and friends to watch,the march in and a more of a learning degree of judging than a numbers and scores for medals. A day very well spent. Alot of fun and alot of learning,and hopefully a little less stress this next weekend when they march in for the first actual competition of their gymnastics career.

After the "friendship meet" all of her team and their familes were invited to a grandparents home for pool party and BBQ. A really fun day

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