Tuesday, July 31, 2012

july 2012 Laurels gym camp and visit with Bray family

July was a busy and crazy wonderful month and its come to an end.
Laurel and mom flew to Idaho together this year,to Cordalean,Idaho to Gymnastics camp for a week. We both had a great time and laurel learned alot. They worked us all hard all week. Camp started each am at 8:30am and they worked out till 3pm or so,then the afternoon/eves were spent doing other fun camp activities,going to the beach,barbques and smore making,wall climbing,swiming,amusement park andso on. We were exhausted by the end of the day. Laurel starts competing August so this was a great extra bit of work out time fo her. Her biggest accomplishment was learning to like and feel more confident on the vault. She is so small and can fly so high!!

After gym camp was over,we flew to oregon,our flight was 4hrs late in leaving from Spokane to Portland,Stan and Zak had driven to Salem where our friends the Bray family live. Their two daughters are both from China as well and Lila Ann,their almost 8yr old wasZakarys foster sister in foster care before we got to him. We try to meet with them at least once a year to keep them in touch. We had a great viit,always too short and then we all drove home to California togetherarriving home last night.

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