Saturday, January 14, 2012

Laurel becomes a level 5/Tops gymnast january 2012

Just a short post. Laurels hard work and determination and dedication has gotton her an advancement in her gymnastics. As it she now,she is what is called a Dynomite/Tops girl. Dynamite is the level and TOPS is the special,by invitation only team of the special choosede,most strong physically and emotionally of the girls from gyms all over the country. TOPS is a national strength training team inwhich moves and trains the girls very fast past and VERY hard work to move along. She will be skipping the 4th level and going straight to level 5 and continue her TOPS training as well. She will spend 16.5hrs per week at the gym and us parents will be spending alotta time voluntering and earning hours for credit(not to mention the expense,ugh). Laurel will start then competing in meets come this spring. I will keep you all posted and post pics as we progress along here.

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