Sunday, January 22, 2012


Today was the official Grand Prix race day for the kids AWANA youth grooup at church.

Stan and the kids,Isaiah,Laurel and Zak had made their wooden block cars,very similar to the Biy Scouts Pine Wood Derby. We didnt have alot of time,the cars and info didnt get out to us til 1 week in advance and including onloy 1 weekend so we all did our best. Stan ended up doing most,the kids did help with the ideas,design and sanding. We had trouble with the paint drying since its been so chilly here recently but all in all in the end,other than it being a difficult concept for the little kids to understand,the raceing then the faster cars racing the other faster cars etc right down to the winner,all had a great day. Laurel just couldnt get the concept cuz her car had come in 2nd a few times but in the end,didnt place 1st,2nd or 3rd. She had a rough time with that and cried a good portion of the afternoon following cuz she hadnt won. The boys were bummed but were just fine and had a great time. Next year we are hoping for a bit more time,several weeks in advance with more weekends when dads/moms and kids can work more together...maybe even over a vacation period when families are together and there isnt school,homework and other activities. The red car,number 7 was Zaks car. The sparkly Green one,number 52 was laurel. The purple sports car,number 30 was isaiah.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Laurel becomes a level 5/Tops gymnast january 2012

Just a short post. Laurels hard work and determination and dedication has gotton her an advancement in her gymnastics. As it she now,she is what is called a Dynomite/Tops girl. Dynamite is the level and TOPS is the special,by invitation only team of the special choosede,most strong physically and emotionally of the girls from gyms all over the country. TOPS is a national strength training team inwhich moves and trains the girls very fast past and VERY hard work to move along. She will be skipping the 4th level and going straight to level 5 and continue her TOPS training as well. She will spend 16.5hrs per week at the gym and us parents will be spending alotta time voluntering and earning hours for credit(not to mention the expense,ugh). Laurel will start then competing in meets come this spring. I will keep you all posted and post pics as we progress along here.

Zak and laurel try roller skating jan 2012

Laurel and Zak were invited to a friends roller skating birthday party. Actually,two sisters,both gymnasts with laurel. Both born on the samr day,diff years and one was 6 weeks premature and the other 8 weeks premature. The skating rink was all to themselves for the party and it was just ideal Most of the kids had either never skated or only very little so very few kids were whipping around the rink which made it really fun and very safe. Both laurel and Zak started out on their butts more than anywhere else and before you knew it,neither were hanging on to me and were really enjoying themselves,Laurel really got the hang of it and though spent alot of time on the ground really had a great time.