Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas 2011

Christmas has come on gone. And today is New Years eve. Good Grief,how the time flies!!
Christmas was wonderful as usual. Christmas eve day we just hung out and played,didnt do much but wrapped gifts,ohhhh ya,that is what i did. LOL yes and got them all done.
Christmas eve we have a tradition that we started when the kids came home. WE get them in their jammies and go out for Mexican dinner and then go around the neighborhood looking at Christmas lights,then home to bed so Santa can come. Well last year we discovered that the Mexican restaurants had gotton smart and taken that night off so we had to start our tradition of restaurants again and start to go Chinese. So Katy and kids joined us this year,now that they are living right near by again. 4 kids in jammies and three adults climb into the van and go to dinner. A delicious big Chinese meal,we are waiting for the bill which never came,very unusual,this place knows us and has very good service. Dad decides the kids are done,let me just go pay the bill,no big deal. He goes up to the front and comes back with no receipt. It seems that the couple sitting across from us had paid our bill,and asked that they throw in dessert for us as well. Now this was a bill for a family of 7. Evidently they loved what we were doing with the children,now im not sure how they knew for sure what we were/are doing with the kids(haha) but we sure found that to be nice and really really a wonderful surprise.
Off we went to look for lights and then home to bed to await Santas arrival.

Christams am,Santa had arrived,Katy and kids came back over,Chris and his wife came early to do gifts with the little ones,seems all got just what they wanted,laurel an easy bake oven,Zak a nrew DSI and scrap booking materials. It was all a success and now we are onto New Years,2012!!!  Chris and Destiny this year rather than toys and such gave each child a card with something going to a child elsewhere,Isaiah loves to play soccer so his was a donation of two soccer balls to some kids in Uganda. Kates an animal for food to Uganda,laurel and zak each duck and chickens to wherever they were needed most at that time. A new tradition for them,the kids are looking forward to sharieing about that at school.

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