Monday, November 7, 2011

The first official lost tooth November 6 2011

So we had been told that Zak would probobly NOT loose teeth as regularly and at the same ages that other kids would,due to his cleft. Zak waited and waited thru laurel loosing her usual age according pattern of teeth and still nothing. He was convinced that he would never loose a tooth and the tooth fairy would never ever come for him. Now he has had a couple teeth pulled out during palate and bone graft surgery, and the tooth fairy has come of course for those teeth but those he didnt really count as "teeth" and actually they did look more like a grain of sand one of them and a racoon claw the second than any teeth that I have ever seen but never the less,they were teeth.Zaks teeth. Sooooooooooooo finally a loose lower tooth.....then a real loose lower tooth....Then Zak and dad playing around,Dad tickled Zak,he hit his mouth on dads ear,hurt dads ear and knocked out the little lower loose tooth. OFFICIAL....Zakary has lost his first tooth and the toothfairy did in fact,finally make a trip to Zaks pillow!!! He awoks this am and ran into my room at god knows what hour "mom the toothfairy came".

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