Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving to you all.....2011.
Things will be busy here as usual,the christmas picture has been taken and the cards have all addressed. Grandkids will be here with me Tomorrow,Thanksgiving day and the day after(mommy has to work). Enjoy your holiday and I will post more after i survive(if i do) all the activities and all the kids. lol

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 2011

I have been trying to keep track of things that these kids say,some of them are sooooooooooooooooo funny,or at least cute. i of course,think of them during something where I cant do anything about it. I told you all that Zak had lost a tooth the other day,an official lost tooth. he was so excited that he could hardley wait to go to bed so the tooth fairy could come. Now you know the rule,if you are NOT asleep,the tooth fairy,as well as Santa and the Easter bunny DONT show up. So zak is sitting on my lap reading and he is yawning,loud,throwing his head back,finally i said "its bed time,your so tired,he went pee and leaped into bed,closing his eyes very tight. Laurel climbs up into her top bunk and while they are laying there doing there pre sleep visiting,he says to laurel "ok,now laurel,go to sleep,im expecting the tooth fairy". I was sitting in the next room and heard this,laughed right out loud.  Yes the tooth fairy did come.

The kids go to a wonderful Charter shool here in Vallejo and it is a "expeditionary learning" setting,lots of outdoor study,ecology etc etc. So the first graders,Zaks class this year their first expedition is "weather" and i am going to tell you he has learned some really interesting things and can explain each thing to you,clouds,the types and what they each do,thunder,lightning and tornados. Earthquakes are big talk right now as well. Soo I am having Zak explain a tornado to me,he explains the hot and the cold air,they get togehter and start switching it up,using his hands to show me and discribe,and then it becomes a summin summin nimbus cloud(im not half  as bright as he is,or perhaps i forgot all this or wasnt paying nearly the attention when i was in first grade as he does. Finally he explains that when it all gets going and is twisting around that you have a tornado and stuff starts flying around,like cows. LOL LOL obviously some kid had seen the movie twister.(not my kids). Stan and I laughed right out lous. lol
Kids do say the darndest things.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The first official lost tooth November 6 2011

So we had been told that Zak would probobly NOT loose teeth as regularly and at the same ages that other kids would,due to his cleft. Zak waited and waited thru laurel loosing her usual age according pattern of teeth and still nothing. He was convinced that he would never loose a tooth and the tooth fairy would never ever come for him. Now he has had a couple teeth pulled out during palate and bone graft surgery, and the tooth fairy has come of course for those teeth but those he didnt really count as "teeth" and actually they did look more like a grain of sand one of them and a racoon claw the second than any teeth that I have ever seen but never the less,they were teeth.Zaks teeth. Sooooooooooooo finally a loose lower tooth.....then a real loose lower tooth....Then Zak and dad playing around,Dad tickled Zak,he hit his mouth on dads ear,hurt dads ear and knocked out the little lower loose tooth. OFFICIAL....Zakary has lost his first tooth and the toothfairy did in fact,finally make a trip to Zaks pillow!!! He awoks this am and ran into my room at god knows what hour "mom the toothfairy came".

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Nov 2011 Katy and kids are back!!

Katy and her children,isaiah and kate have left napa and moved back to vallejo. She has been living in Napa for a couple years now and found it to be,surprisingly enough,california in the year 2011 that Napa is NOT nearly the place to be that she had thought for the young sinlge mom and a bi racial family. Vallejo is the place to be,all are accepted and embraced. Now Napa is not a BAD place to be,dont get me wrong. No one was mean or nasty to Katy and children but its just not nearly as embraceing or accomodationg to them. Katy had to come to Vallejo for hair products for kate,she couldnt find what she needede in lilly white Napa. She and kids are near by,she has a nice apartment where they each have their own room and katy even has her own bathroom. YAHOOOOO...She is glad to be back and we are glad to have her back.

lots of living 2011

Things are just moving along so darn fast,life is like a whirl wind and we can barely keep up.
There have been 2 gymnastics meets at our gym(laurel is not competing ) but we all help pout to earn our volunteer hours towards when she does compete. So two weekends in a row,several hours each day,nights seetting up,cleaning up and then the meet and then the take down,set up the gym for the week again. EXHAUSTION.....school,classes and work.

Laurels class had a field trip and took a long and quite difficult hike,Zak had stripe testing in Tae Kwon do.....I have just posted some random pictures.... We do have some hoiliday activities coming up soon and will blog and powt pictures as each of them happen.