Saturday, October 8, 2011

Laurel is 7 yr old already!!!

October 7 2011
laurel turns 7 yrs old today....First and foremost...where has the time gone? wasnt she just placed in our arms? and then learned to walk and now she is 7??? WOW!!!!Everyone who knows Laurel has said that same thing this past week. The time has gone so quickly and she has become sooooo much since we have known her.
The next thing oon the birthday agenda is laurels birth parents in China. I know it sounds sappy but i always find myself thinking of them on this day. What are they thinking today? do they think of her eveyday and esp on birthdays? What must they think? what questions must they have? and how must they feel. ? All i know is we truly think of them,birthdays and mothers and fathers days never come and go with out thinking of our kids birth parents and wanting them to know that she is fine,she is happy,healthy and very loved. thats all that a parent wants to know to make things a bit more palitable. Soooo should Laurels birth parents be reading this blog..."we love her to pieces,we are giving her all she needs to grow and thrive....she is smart and funny,sometimes a crab apple and very very strong and smart"....."she is as cute as a button and sharp as a tack".Thank you to Laurels biological parents for allowing us to raise and love their daughter..For this we are daily blessed.
This year Laurel really knew what she wanted. " i want brownie bites for my class friends,then a gymnastics cake at Friday gymnastics and then a "Nihao kitty/Candy land cake" for my party.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO brownie bites,Costco....easy......Gymnastics cake....not so hard but how to make it a gymnastics theme?? no bakery had any gym theme offered for their cakes. sooooo i found a woman in Novato who dies cake decorationg.She was able to make of edible subsance a little gymnast doing the splits for the costco cake. It was very cute. So all laurels gym friends celebraated with her friday night after her 4 hr gym class. Then the Nihao Kitty/Candy land cake was the tough does one with the imagination and creativity of a snail deal with this?? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fortunatly,a very smart and taalented daughter in law who enjoys doing those kinds of things. Destiny was put in charge of the special cake.
We had a birthday party at the Michaels crafts store,there were 5 diff projects to do and then fruit and cake afterwards. the kids made ghosts,painted bird houses,colored hello kity coloring,did some beading and some Halloween spiders with puff balls and pipe cleaners,rolling eye balls and such. The kids were soooooooooooo quiet and so focused it was just amazing. i had never heard 11 kids in a small room be sooooooooooo quiet. The day was a success and the Nihao Kitty/Candy land cake was AMAZING.......

I have posted pics of each....enjoy.

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