Friday, May 16, 2014

May 2014

Happy May to you all.
As Zak asked just the other day "huh? where has this year gone"?
We are all doing well. Stan is coming along although he still must be very careful and get his rest,he is not taking LATE LATE and all night work,but is still trying to get back into the swing of things and get caught up.

Kids are good,they are coming to the end of the school year and though Zak is NOT looking forward to not being in school,Laurel looks forward to a break. Swim lesons,camp in Washington state for Zak and a visit with cousins in Washington state as well for Laurel and Stan. I took a loss when i transferred jobs,i didnt get the usual summer vacations i was used to having so will be working while the kids are vacationing but my day to day quality of life is much better this way. Kids will take swim lessons and Stan is hopeing to get them into a sailing class this summer as well .

The kids school will be moving to a new and bigger location in the fall,we just voted and learned that we were approved of it all a week or so ago so its going to be a  fast move but we are up for it. There is room for 1,000 kids at the new location and there is talk of a high school,one year at a time to go in with us as well. We are sure hoping for this. Would sure take away alot of our concerns for where the kids would go to High school.

Kids have been their usual busy selves,last night was their "Celebration of the Arts" at their school,singing and dancing and alot of fun.

Laurel has been taking an after school class in American Sign Language and has truly enjoyed it. We are going to try to find her more so that she can keep it up.

We are celebrating Grama's 90th birthday this weekend,Bruce and Julie will be here and we along with the kids,old and young and grandkids as well will get together tomorrow for dinner.

Thats about it for now i think. enjoy the pics and will post again soon.

Last weekend the Kids had their AWANA church youth group Grand Prix car race. Zak had designed and made a shark...the tail even moves and laurel ahd designed a red block with black scrolls with a scroll with her Chinese name and symbols on it. Both turned out beautiful. Zakary won 1st place for design and laurel won 4th for Design. neither were so fast but we had a great time.