Saturday, February 15, 2014

Superbowl Sunday 2014

We spent Super Bowl Sunday with big Chris and Destiny at their house. It rained like crazy so it was a bit of a BBQ challenge but Chris never lets us down. He even did mussels on the BBQ for he and Zak to enjoy together. Something the two brothers have in common.

Happy New Year 2014

Can you believe that it is actually 2014? i cant and i cant believe that already.....yes already i am behind here again. I was going to try to keep up,once or twice a month get in here and update life as it moves along so darn quickly.
Christmas was wonderful as usual. All were happy and healthy and here together so Christmas was wonderful.
Stans daughter Deirdre and her husband Matt and their daughter (almost 3yrs old) welcomed a new baby boy into their family Christmas evening. Stan and laurel leave next week to go to visit and meet him for the first time.
School is going very well for both kids,TaeKwonDo and gymnastics as well.
We had a meeting with the school a couple weeks ago and Zak is so far ahead that they will put him in 5th grade along with Laurel in the fall and totally skip by 4th grade. He is already going to the 5th grade math class and the 8th grade science class where he is able to do science experiments. We are all very proud of him. He is now a Red belt in TaeKwonDO and still really loves it. WE do give alot of credit to that for his progress in all of his areas of life.
Laurel is still loving and living for gymnastics,She had a meet at her own gym today and did VERY well. She had had a tough season and had lost alot of confidence although she had qualified and competed in the Northern Calif state meet, her confidence had slipped away. Today she did so well.....we are so proud of her and hope that this will bring some of that lost confidence back to where it needs to be and where it was her first season. Today she got 2nd in the Vault and the floor routine and 3rd on the bars and 2nd all around. Very proud of her.
Zakary turned 9 yrs old on Feb 3, he wanted a very small party,his closest two friends from school, Camilla and Hekena(yes both girls) and then of course his sister Laurel. He wanted to come to the house,now that there is room,watch a movie,have snacks and then make your own ice cream sundaes. The weekend was rainy so it worked out perfectly and we all had a great time.
Valentines day at school is always fun. Laurels class had a valentines box contest. Laurel didnt win,she did hers with little help(since thats what your supposed to do),it turned out VERY cute but the winners had boxes that were battery operated and did light up things(pretty sure that the 4th grader didnt do that on their own). All in all.....Very cute and alot of fun.
Ok,so im going to attach a lot of pictures and try to get you all caught up here. Hope all of you are doing well and staying healthy