Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas 2013

Here we are again at the end of another year! it is New years eve as I type. We had an awesome Christmas...Everyone was well and happy. All got what they had asked Santa to bring. Chris wife Destiny was not able to be with us, she had been sick for a week with fever and so on se she stayed at home, we missed her but she certainly didn't feel like travelling and we didn't want what she had. We had a real treat this year.....First grandchild,Sierra,who just turned 17 was able for the first time ever to spend Christmas with us and we sure loved it! She is such a beautiful young lady and we have missed having her all her life and now she was able to be with us and I was even able to get her to stand tall at the measuring door, she is one tall girl. We did our annual Christmas eve dinner at China Wok where we love the family who owns it and the food is delicious. We looked at lights and went home to bed. Christmas morning we all got up and everyone trickled in for presents and coffee cake. Everyone then as they needed to went on their ways and the rest of the day was spent quietly around the house,relaxing,kids playing with new toys and continuing to put things away in the new addition. Grandma Priscilla came over to visit and stayed for a couple hours, she loved to see all the kids together and of course to see was Sierra was a super treat. Enjoy the pictures and Happy New year to you all. I will try (as I say each year to do better with keeping up with pics and blog in the coming year)