Friday, October 4, 2013

Zakary starts Orthodontics

October 2013 Zakary has started his LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG road ahead of him in the orthodontists chair. His first apt was 3 hrs long,they did let him get up and move about a bit but he sat and had brackets glued and then wired for sound. His mouth is FULLLLLL of metal. He is having a hard time talking and eating and everything else that goes along orthodontics but he is going to do well,he will adjust and have a more beautiful smile when he is done than he does now! The technology is amazing now,we are hoping that thru orthodontics now,a new procedure that will not be fun or easy but will likely replace a major jaw surgery when he is 16 or so years old. This new technique has come around and has been used just since we adopted him. Needless to say...We are thrilled. The first apt was Wednesday morning, and by Tuesday eve, he already had a bracket come uncemented so he was back there this am for a recement. Hope this is all for a bit. I have to keep remembering that he is a boy.....and this stuff happens.