Thursday, September 26, 2013

September 2013

I am very sorry for falling so far behind on my blogging, the addition and all the news at our house. I have some time now to catch up since a week ago today, I fell off a stair trying to go to work and tore ligaments and chipped bones in BOTH ankles and I am off my feet now for a while. No where to go and nothing to do. Kids are doing well, Laurel is just starting her second competitive season in gymnastics and is looking forward to it again. Zakary is preparing for his first Taekwondo competition next month, both these kids have competitive streaks. Laurel we were most surprised by. School is going well for both kids and work for Stan and I is fine, work is work. The house is moving along, we have had our little glitches, little burps and such along the way but the last week that I have not been out of the house there has been a lot done, just on the outside, the Stucco is going up. The actual addition is all enclosed and the windows are in. It truly looks like a house now. This week I think they are supposed to be breaking thru and making the hallway, a bad time for me to be injured since there is a lot of odds and ends that need to be moved outta the way and into temp places for the knock thru. Stan just went out and got several new pics for me to post here, sorry we missed some of the in between, we have just really been running to keep up. Enjoy the pics.I sure am wishing today that we had the back deck off the new master bedroom done, so that I could sit out there. I cant really get outdoors and sit anywhere now as it all is now since im all booted up and rocking two crutches.