Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Strep Throat! do we have a petri dish in the house?

So this is the second strep throat that I have had in less than one month,. Im sick and tired of being sick and tired,the rest of the family have gone to get their throat cultures done to see if anyone is a carrier. We had a carrier a couple years ago,Zak and I passed it back and forth like three times till we figured it all out. I will keep you posted!!

We have a foundation June 2013

We have a foundation!! i keep waiting to come home from work and have a house,walls rooms with paint and carpet and the kids unpacking their gear in their own bedrooms. Stan says "NOT" quite like that but i think we are moving that direction anyway,

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Zakarys HERO project. Leonardo De VInci June 2013

I am going to post a video of Zak's Hero presentation,. I am hoping that it will download so that you can get an idea of how it went. Fingers crossed,lets try