Tuesday, April 23, 2013

APRIL 2013

I forgot to mention that Laurel earned the gym team stuffed animal that goes in shifts to different girls for their positive attitudes and improvements over time. Their animal is a little stuffed penguin that they call "positive Penny". We are proud to tell you all that laurel earned "Positive Penny" for the most improved over the competition season. We are very proud of her.

April 2013

How time is flying by.......
Easter in behind us and the heat and air conditioner is installed. Now....the demolition begins!
There is a ton of dirt in the back yard to rearrange before the construction can begin.We are in the beginning steps of addition and reconstruction of our funny little house on Carter St here in Vallejo,Calif. We will add pictures as the progress occurs.

The kids are doing very well in school and are looking forward to the school year ending and being out for summer vacation. Im not sure that dad is looking forward to tit quite as much as the kids are. Laurel is not a real lover of school but Zakary is, he actually is not happy with even a 2 week break at Spring time. He was very glad to get back to work.

We took a trip in the camper up to Corning to visit Bruce and Julie a couple weekends ago,kids and dad went ahead of me,i had to work so drive up Saturday morning to stay and bring them home,the camper is staying there for a bit while the house is being worked on. The kids roasted marshmellow on their firre pit in the back yard and played on the rope swing,they can swing on that thing for hours!!

We celebrated Earth day at the kids school,live music, activities and warm sunshine,a very nice day over all.

laurels gym coach is getting ready to graduate from the Maritime academy here in Vallejo,she is ready to shop out for her 3 month cruise,leaving the girls at the gym for a real job and her own kids at home while she finishes her year. We are very sad to see melanie go but wish her the best in her lives endeavors. We celebrated with a pot luck taco bar party at the gym,had alot of fun,spent time together and said good by to Melanie.