Sunday, March 31, 2013

Time to get caught up....march 2013

Happy Spring and Happy Easter to family and friends,
I cant believe how fast the months are already moving along. February ,NASCAR  Daytona weekend this year ,Stan  travelled back east alone to visit family. The kids didn't want to miss school and their activities and to be honest ,it  was not so easy last year to take all the school work and the homework along with us and get it all done. Nor was it easy for the kids to get back ,especially  laurel after a week off from Gymnastics and get back into the swing of it and all caught up.
I was off from work the week he was gone so it really worked out well ,was  easy and quite enjoyable. I was able to do the job that I don't usually get to do, get the homework done, the kids to activities, the breakfast and school drop off and pick ups ,the  things that I do miss doing.
I even got to go on a field trip with laurels class to a Native American learning area for school aged kids. We really had fun.
March 2013,first day of spring we got a new son in law. Kaitlyn  and Joseph got married ,a  tiny justice of the peace.....they will do the actual wedding in the church and the traditional Ugandan reception(yikes) to follow sometime next year. They are nearly done with the large house being built in Uganda and they wanted to have that paid for before they started paying for a wedding. Katy took Joes last name, Mulindwa  so as to have the same name as the kids ,Katy  and Eli, Isaiah has asked to be a Mulindwa as well ,so  that name change will take place legally as well very soon.
Zakary just passed another belt in Tae Kwon Do,he is now a blue red belt and we are all very proud at how well he is doing.