Saturday, February 16, 2013

Mardi Gras! Feb 2013

We celebrated Mardi gra at NBAA gymnastics. We hosted a 2 day gym meet and Laurel again did very well. I assisted with serving the coaches and the judges their meals and snacks for two very long days while the girls competed. It was alot if fun but a very very long and tireing 2 days of physical work.
Laurel medaled in all 4 events and was 4th all around. Again....a very succesful day of competition!!

We Have Heat Feb 2013

We are happy to announce that we are proid owners of central heat and air conditioning.!
We also have a fully insulated house! Things are moving along and looking up..............We have been warm at night and in the morning hours! what a nice feeling!
Laurel who is always cold is now comfortable and warm.

We are awaiting the buck stove and its installation and then it wont be long i understand until the back end of the house goes away!! We will keep you all posted!! For now.....the Warm Raymond family......Good Night

Friday, February 8, 2013

Feb 2013...The house wrk i beginning

So we are actually starting on the house addition. So far the Architect has been here several times and the gal who does all the measuring has been here. The Electrical just got down,all new electric throughout and the central heat and Air Conditioning and insulation will start i believe this next week. Its amazing to us all that finally,after all the hell we have been through with this house that we are truly getting started and things are beginning to move. We will keep you posted as things progress and get picstures to go along with .

Zakary Turns 8 yrsold

Feb 3 2013

Zakary turns 8 today!!! Where has the time gone and how the years have flown by.
Our little tiny,weak and uncoordinated baby is 8 yrs old today!

We had a birthday party at the lawrence Hall of Science in Berkeley,this year we did a planatarium theme and had a Constellation workshop in the Planatarium. It was very different and alot of fun. I think that both parents and kids enjoyed themselves and the weather was perfect! A truly beautiful Berkeley day.