Saturday, January 19, 2013

January 2013

The Raymonds brought in the New Year in the usual manner. Some take out,a movie and off to bed long before Midnight!! New Years day the same,around the house just doing what needs to be done so as to get back to work the next day and the kids back to school the next week.

The Remodel is coming along,the contractor has been here and the Engineer comes this coming week.They will start getting permits and so on so as to get the actual work started with the "GOAL" of being done,or very close to done by the time the kids go back to school in the fall. Each child will have their own room,we will have a nnice large masgter suite and bathroom and a wrap around deck outside. We will have an open dineing area and an open pass thru from the kitchen to the living room.

Kids are doing very well in school,infact,Zak is VERY good in Math especially and has complained a time ot two that he wanted to learn more,so we got in touch with his teacher,an older well experienced woman and she was thrilled that we had mentioned it to her,she said he is always done first and is very good at what he does. So she has started to give him different work,more difficult and more of it. We think he is going to really be one to keep challenged,he is VERY bright.

Laurel has gone up another level in Gymnastics and is now spending about 17 hrs per week practicing. She will compete in one more meet next month,Febuary 9 and 10 our gym will host the meet with the theme of "Mardi Gras". Its alot of fun and ALOT OF WORK!! That will then be the end of competition until the next season,starting again in i believe September. all starts all over again.

Zakary saw the Orthodontist a week or so ago, he has two front teeth coming in and one is coming in all crooked and one comeing in diagnally. so as soon as they are both out of the gum far enough to grab,he will grab thenm and brace them to turn then around straight so that the other teeth can find their way thru. He will need quite a bit of orthodontics,as we knew from the beginning,infact,before we even adopted him so this is no surprise to us,but just becoming the reality now that he is nearly 8yrs old.

I will try very hard to keep a better blog this year,what with the house remodel and all,we will have pictures of that to share as they progress with that,and the kids are staying very busy so i promise to do my best.

Hope 2013 will be the best for everyone,we are hoping that this year for us will truly be all that it looks that it will be.  HAPPY NEW YEAR to our family and friends!!