Saturday, November 24, 2012

Laurels 8th birthday party(just a tad late)

Laurels birthday is actually October 7 but since we were in Monterey,calif at a gym competition,we didnt have a birthday party. Laurels best friend Victoria,from school is also on her gym team and her bday was end of August,she didnt get a party either so today.....we celebrated them both,together and had just a great time. We went to a location nearby,owned and run by the Salvation Army,called the Kroc center and they were able to rock/wall climb and then indoor swim. Pizza and cake,and gifts. Everyone really haad a fun time.

Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving has come and gone,we had a wonderful day. Unfortunatly katy had to work so she was not with us that day but since she was at work, we had Isaiah and Kate. We went to Chris and destinys home in San Lorenzo...We took Chris' favorite baked ham and a pie and she did the rest,it was so awesome that we all sat down to eat and it was over in about 6minutes. ZLOL it was funny. And delicious.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Running to catch up again!!! NOvember 2012

Here i am.....Sorry its taken so long to get this all updated,gymnastics season took it all oout of us,each and every one of us. We are finally catching up from several months of having no time on weekends to do anything at all but the absolute necessities.
Laurel had a VERY good Gymnastics competition season,we travelled to Monterey for a meet,and celebrate Laurels 8th birthday,she actually competed on her birthday,all there sang Happy Birthday to her,we all went to Bubba Gumps for dinner the night before the meet and celebrated her bday in Monterey,went for a ride on a glass bottom boat the am of the meet and then she  did very well at the meet. We drove home that eve and back to work and school the next day. She has complained though that she hasnt had a birthday myself and laurels best friend Victoria(who hadnt had her party from her August birthday) will be celebrating their bdays together,yes a real party with all their team friends,the weekend after Thanksgiving.
Zak is movinmg right along in his Tae Kwon Do,and wikll belt test for his next belt, his blue belt at the end of this month.
Halloween is past,Laurel was the Cupcake cutie and Zakary the Mouse King from the Nutcracker,he told me that the Nutcracker had such wonderful and unique music. We will be going to see the Nutcracker at the local Junior College,the Thansgiving weekend.
I am going to just go through and post some pictrures here,There have been Filed trips at school,Stan always goes along,they do "Field Work",the kids go to a Charter School and its an "Expeditionary Learning"method,alot of learning through doing,and all evolving around the outdoors,nature,recycling and so on.

I will try to do better to finish up this year here and then start fresh again the in the new year. I really do enjoy posting for you all but sometimes just run so short in time to do it,that when i do,its so quick and im not sure that i really give you all the entire story or the feeling of what and how we are all doing. The pictures above as you will see show an awful lot of laurel,im afraid Gym season really was all about laurel,Zakary being the good and suppoertive brother spent alotta time on his DS,and hanging out with other brothers,the pic abouve of the three boys with their DS game is the example of what brothers so while sisters compete,it was NOT an easy season for Zak but he did beautifully and did enjoy Montherey and Reno with the family for meets. Hoping to spend alot more time with Zak and his Tae Kwon Do now that the season is over for Laurel.