Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Annual NASCAR weekend back East///Feb 2012

we went on our annual NASCAR weekend this year,as we usually do. We travelled to Wilmington Delaware where we stay with Stans sister and brother in law. They have their annual NASCAR Daytona 500 party at their home on race day,we have gone to this event for many years now. This year we had a few more days so we travelled on to Easton,PI to meet up with our friends the Schulte's who adopted their daughter at the same time and from the same orphanage as laurel. We see them each year that we are back east and its so fun to watch these kids grow. This year,we travelled to Easton,got a motel with an indoor pool,which the kids loved and then visited the Crayola factory. WE had a nice time and the kids love the motel and the pool. After that,we travelled to Connecticut where our exchange student,Sherry is this year with another host family. We visited her,went to lunch and had a nice time,the kids loved seeing her and her host family is VERY nice and she seems very happy. The unfortunate part of this trip this year was that i was misreably sick the entire time...io coughed and hacked and was really quite misreable. Then to make it all worse,the party took place and the race was rained out. Sooooooooooooooooo we travelled home the next day while the race was being run. lol ohhh well,never can tell whats going to happen. Stans daughter Deirdre and her husband and daughter were there at the inlaws for the race so the kids got to meet their newest niece. They enjoyed playing with her.